Frequently Asked Questions

We take raw ingredients, cut them into bite-sized pieces and place them on trays, then load them into one of our freeze-dryers. The freeze-drying process, during which almost all moisture is removed, takes approximately 24 hours. Once the process is complete, we bag and seal the treats for freshness and deliver them to customers or wholesalers.

Freeze-drying is an effective way to preserve food while retaining almost all its nutritional value. Freeze-dried food lasts longer than food that is canned, dehydrated, or air-fried. When stored in dark, cool places, freeze-dried food can last up to 25 years! However, since our bags are exposed to indirect light, we recommend opening the treats within one year of the purchase date.

We only recommend feeding Pet Popcorn to cats and dogs. We don't have any information on how these treats affect other animal species. Pet Popcorn is raw and not suitable for human consumption.

The freeze-drying process takes moisture out of the food, reducing its weight four or five-fold. Just multiply the quantity by four and you will have the minimum amount of wet food. We recommend giving Pet Popcorn only as a treat, not as a food substitute.

Pet Popcorn is a single-ingredient treat. We add absolutely nothing to the products that we sell. We are committed to providing a natural, delicious treat to all our pet customers.

Pet Popcorn can be ordered right here on our website or purchased through one of our wonderful wholesalers. We currently sell our treats in pet stores across Colorado, including Big R, Chow Down Pet Supplies, Koa's House Pet Supplies, and PET Telluride. If you are a retailer interested in selling Pet Popcorn, please contact us and we will be in touch.

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